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Classys Clatuu Machine Cryolipolysis Device
CLATUU is a device for fat cells freezing and removal. Through the non-invasive freezing of fat cells it induces lipolysis without damaging other tissues. CLATUU is a safe alternative to liposuction. The aim of treatment is to reshape the contours of the body.
Classys Clatuu Device is a double handpiece handpiece for medical grade cryolipolysis.
CLATUU is a device for fat cells freezing and removal. Through the non-invasive freezing of fat cells it induces lipolysis without damaging other tissues. CLATUU is a safe alternative to liposuction. The aim of treatment is to reshape the contours of the body. The crystallized fat cells undergo apoptosis and are eliminated from the body through the natural mechanisms of metabolism. The CLATUU treatment is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, does not cause pain and follows the natural processes of the body.
The term “Cryolipolysis” refers to gradual and non-invasive cooling of excess fat to induce a process of lipolysis, or the destruction of fat cells, in order to reduce the adipose tissue and to restore the elasticity of the skin without damaging other tissues . The Cryolipolysis, therefore, is a technique that allows to permanently reduce the number of fat cells, exactly as occurs with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-invasive treatment.
The initial feeling is that the skin is sucked in vigorously. Afterwards the cooling process begins that would cause only mild discomfort for the first 10 minutes. At the end of treatment after the removal of the applicator the skin is obviously cold and toned, highlighting a slight reddening. The fat tissue in the treated area is subjected to intense cold (-9 °). The adipocytes, as already explained, must therefore undergo a process of “apoptosis”, that is, programmed cell death. The body reacts with an inflammatory response that causes the natural elimination of the damaged fat cells. The procedure allows a significant reduction of adipose tissue at the level of the treated area.
“Cryolipolysis with Clatuu has found to be a safe, effective procedure for localised fat reduction with a high patient satisfaction rate. Standardised photography is recommended as an effective monitoring tool and documentation of post-cryolipolysis progress,” says Dr Lim.
In his study, eight treatment- eligible patients were enrolled into the cryolipolyis analysis for prospective evaluation over a four-month follow- up period. All patients had the option of treating either a single site or two sites simultaneously. Trial patients were also offered the option of a repeat treatment to the same area with a minimum interval of two months between treatments.
Two months after the final treatment, patients were surveyed about their experience and satisfaction of the procedure, including self-rating of perceived degree of fat reduction post- treatment.
“The patient satisfaction survey at two months post-treatment revealed 71.4% (5 out of 7 patients) either ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ that the outcome was satisfactory,” he says.
“Of the two dissatisfied patents, one felt that there was ‘no change’ post-procedure but revised her self- assessment to ‘marked reduction’ upon reviewing the before/after photos.”
These findings are a strong indication that Clatuu fat freezing is a promising fat reduction device that is ideally used for body contouring and getting rid of stubborn fat – the kind that is resilient to exercise or diet.
“Our study showed no adverse effects associated with Clatuu cryolipolysis. Our subjects experienced an initial ‘suction’ discomfort lasting five to 10 minutes followed by cold-induced numbness for the rest of the procedure,” explains Dr Lim. “The most common post-treatment effect was numbness lasting from one to three weeks. One patient with atopic dermatitis experienced mild itching over the treated site for a few days post- cryolipolysis.”
Not only is there a high patient satisfaction but also the minimal downtime means that Clatuu can be a ‘lunchtime’ procedure. Clatuu offers the ability to treat two sites at once, meaning you can cut treatment time in half and increase your clinic’s profitability.
Classys Clatuu Machine Cryolipolysis Device
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